FG Exhibition: Behind The Scenes
Dear FG family,
It’s been a while since we’ve been able to write to you, and with good reason. Our exhibitions have picked up momentum, and we’re back on the road. Enjoying every minute of it, we’ve been doing close to 4 exhibitions every month.
Exhibition Itinerary: Back to being Packed
With life slowly going back to how it used to be, our exhibition itinerary is getting populated on the daily. Eternally grateful for your endless love and support, it’s been truly heartwarming to have you visit us in such large numbers.
FG Exhibitions: Behind The Scenes
Today’s blog is about a topic close to our hearts- The behind the scenes of our Exhibitions. The warm embrace of the venues when the doors open on the first day of our exhibitions- there’s a backstory to each of them. Booking venues months in advance, training teams for days on end, ensuring timely production endlessly, to the countless follow-ups with our logistics team; sometimes, days seem like years when our exhibition stock is on the move. There have been a few close calls where, due to circumstances beyond our control, we’ve received our stock barely in the nick of time and completed setting up minutes before showtime.
Irrespective of the challenges along the way, those priceless smiles, the electric buzz and the undeniable anticipation make all of it worth it!
The Discounts Dilemma:
For the most part, we strive to keep our shopping experience uniform- across our website and all of our exhibitions. However, there’s one aspect beyond our control that we feel the need to address- matching our online discounts on the exhibition floor.
Here’s why:
1. Online discounts are automated- based on several factors such as inventory age, size, value, etc., and multiple daily updations are routine on the website.
2. More often than not, our exhibition stock is on the racks/on the road for the next exhibition almost a week in advance. As a result, the operational challenges of updating discounts, retagging products and re-racking them persist.
Current Workaround:
What happens in the process, is that some styles one may find at slightly deeper discounts on the website, while others might be more lucratively priced at the exhibitions. In a bid to offer you the best possible price at all times, we’re experimenting with QR codes on our price tags- a quick scan will present you with the selling price on our website, for you to be able to do a quick side-by-side with the product price in hand at the exhibitions. Depending on your choice, you can proceed with either, with complete ease.
This should resolve the size availability issue too. We’re in the process of testing this feature and would love to know what you think of it. In case of any queries, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or +91 8287 567 567 (Mon-Sat, 9:30 AM - 6 PM IST). We would love to be of assistance.
We hope this little insight was of help.
Always at your service,
Team Farida Gupta